Bob and Rita Resnick,
a few years ago, 1972
Couples can only discover their degree of compatibility by authentically "showing up" as they are, rather than pretending to be who they think they should be. To "show up" authentically is almost impossible within a "Two Become One" fusion model of relationships. Differences are avoided/eradicated to maintain the fusion/confluence—frequently leading to an explosion (rupture, separation, and divorce) or implosion (surrendering to the "secretly, miserably married"—depression, affairs, alcohol, drugs, etc.) Posturing to "make a relationship work," actually means that it only "works" when you're not really there.
Similarly, most individual therapy is about relationships—partner, parents, friends, kids, boss, etc. In both couples therapy and individual therapy, our habitual (characterological) ways of perceiving and behaving use obsolete (formerly healthy) "creative adjustments" from another time and place—which interfere with healthy self-regulation in the present situation. The relevant past has a palpable life in the present. When the past doesn't have a life in the present, then it isn't very relevant to present functioning. Add the complexity of the interactional effects between, and the situational suffering increases exponentially—divorce rates, "secretly miserably married," affairs, substance abuse, depression, and more.
Rita F. Resnick, Ph.D., has been Faculty Chair of the Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles (GATLA)'s European Summer Residential Training Program since 1991 and a faculty member since 1986. Although continuing as faculty, Rita will no longer be the organizer of the Summer Residential after July 2021. In addition to private practice in California, Rita trains psychotherapists in the United States, Australia, and Europe in both Gestalt and Couples Therapy. Her professional interests include the exploration of innovative and supportive approaches to supervision and a devoted, passionate (and self-serving) interest in the area of women growing older, menopause, and mid-life vitality. In 2016, Rita published a chapter in Women in Gestalt Therapy, eds. Adriana Fecova and Breatrice Wimmer—voices of female Gestalt therapists from Europe, USA and Israel who have contributed to the development of Gestalt therapy. Rita is known for her warmth, perceptiveness, and her ability to clearly relate clinical work to theory. The Resnicks are frequently happily married.
Robert W. Resnick, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Gestalt/Couples Therapist trainer, was trained/certified by Perls and Simkin in 1969. Chosen by Perls to introduce Gestalt Therapy to Europe that summer - he spends 16-18 weeks annually training in Europe for the past 50 years. Winner of the APA Div. 29: 2019 Distinguished Award for the International Advancement of Psychotherapy. Creator of Individual and Couples (with Rita Resnick, Ph.D.) Gestalt Therapy demonstration films. Founder/Core Faculty - GATLA European Summer Residential Training - approaching an unprecedented Golden 50th anniversary, outside of Vilnius, Lithuania, in July 2021. His first clinical practicum was driving a New York City taxicab. And yes, the Resnicks are frequently happily married.
12381 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 205, Los Angeles, California 90025
+1 (310) 770-6626
+1 (310) 770-6661